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Von Autisten lernen heisst lieben lernen. Ehrlich, nüchtern, authentisch, verrufen, fair, sachorientiert: autistisch.
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Urlaubs-Gruppentreffen für Autisten westlich von Denver

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11.01.14, 11:11:05


Vielleicht für den einen oder anderen interessant:

WHEN: Saturday, February 22, 2014 (before lunch) until Tuesday, February 25, 2014 (after lunch)

WHERE: We'll be renting out the lodge (and have access to other areas) of Mountain Air Ranch in Indian Hills Colorado. M.a.r. is a nudist resort, but the odds of seeing anyone naked is small. It is about 25 miles west of Denver on 9006 South Mica Mine Gulch Road.

WHO: Autistic people, neuro-cousins, and their support people. (If in doubt, contact the organizers.)

COST: We have found a few donors and because of that we will only charge $100 per person!
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