17.12.13, 12:15:47
Lässt sich beliebig auch auf andere Elterngruppierungen übertragen.
Let me first say that I firmly believe that the self-advocacy movement is about autistic people advocating for themselves how they see fit even if other autistic people might not see eye to eye. This is just a letter to convey that you have other options and that, while I don’t support the organization you associate yourself with, I will support you in your self-advocacy as much as I can without crossing that boundary of supporting Autism Speaks. [...] Kerry Magro, Amy Gravino, and other people on the spectrum who support Autism Speaks, as you probably are aware, your colleague John Elder Robinson recently left Autism Speaks because he saw that his efforts were in vain. He could tell that Autism Speaks wasn’t really listening to him. I understand that Autism Speaks has given you jobs, but you don’t have to settle for mid-level leadership positions and token statuses as your best option. You don’t have to settle for an organization that talks about you without you.
22.12.13, 04:07:35
Ich schätze, daß das eine Krankheit ist, die viele ursprünglich idealistische Gemeinschaften befallen kann, wenn sie eine kritische Größe erreichen: Man verliert sich darin, sich mit sich selbst zu beschäftigen; das eigentliche Anliegen gerät dabei aus dem Blick. Zudem werden Veränderungswünsche plötzlich nicht mehr als Chance, sondern als Bedrohung des Erreichten verstanden. Man denke nur etwa an die katholische Kirche.