11.04.13, 14:11:26
geändert von: 55555 - 11.04.13, 14:12:06
Diese Entscheidung hat auch Relevanz für Autisten, da sie sich auf die UN-Behindertenrechtskonvention stützt. Dieser blinde Straftäter wird nun unter Hausarrest gestellt, da offenbar kein barrierefreies Gefängnis zur Verfügung steht.
A blind, former paralympian convicted of sexually assaulting a woman won't spend any time in jail.
The reason for Judge Heather Lamoureux's decision in a Calgary courtroom Tuesday was largely based on the grounds that Alberta's correctional institutions cannot accommodate Keith Myette's disability.
Instead, Myette — who requires 24-hour assistance from his guide dog — will serve his 18-month sentence under house arrest.
The Crown had been asking for 18 months to two years behind bars.
Defence lawyer Brendan Miller says putting a blind criminal in jail would be a human rights issue.