17.09.11, 14:00:00
“Today’s votes by the Assembly and Senate give California families caring for children with autism a ray of hope that they will receive the insurance coverage they deserve for proven behavioral health treatments,” said Peter Bell, Autism Speaks, executive vice president for programs and services. “California is now ready to join the 27 other states, including Nevada and Arizona, that have already enacted reform.”
Under the bill, as of July 1, 2012, health plans and insurers must cover behavioral health treatment, including applied behavior analysis (ABA) and other behavior intervention programs. SB 946 explicitly preserves the obligation of health plans and insurers to provide services under California's existing mental health parity law, through which many families have been able to secure coverage for other treatments such as occupational therapy, speech therapy, physical therapy, and treatment of comorbid physical health issues.
17.09.11, 23:47:57
Für die USA ist das schon sehr erstaunlich. Bei denen herrscht gegenüber Schlecht- oder Garnichtversicherten normalerweise ein Versorgungsniveau wie bei einem österreichisch-ungarischen Musterungsarzt, der immer unterstellt, alle wollten nur simulieren, um sich vor dem Kriegsdienst zu drücken. Entsprechend wird dann Husten mit Einlauf behandelt usw.
17.09.11, 23:55:27
Tja, die Männer und "Frauen von Stepford" wollen auch Kinder von Stepford